
Date: 1/1/2009

New year resolutions Prt 1

Almost every year, ppl set a goal by themselves 4 d new year ahead of em. Most ppl set theirs some weeks 2 d new year, some set some days 2 it, yl others set hours or even minutes 2 d new year. Can u believe that most ppl make their resolution once in four years or even five! Have u ever paused 2 think what its really all bout? If u have, do u live up2 em? Is there d need 2 announce 2 d world that u have made a resolution? Do u consider d consequences of going back on em? If u answered these questions correctly, then there's no point of u coming here at all. If u didnt, this myt help a bit. A resolution is a sober reflection by an 'individual' in2 his life n actions for any errors or change in d good way of life xpected of him. Ppl who r sincere bout their resolutions, usually feel bad n even cry 4 their bad ways. 2 b contd...

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