
Date: 1/1/2009

New year resolutions Prt 2

If u r readin this part, i guess u most have read thru d first part of it. In d previous post, i talked bout ppl n their resolutions n how most of em usually feel if they sincerely reflect on their life styles n find out they failed in way. Resolutions r mostly made 2 aid in good living both physically, spiritually, morally, n mentally. Its like a mirror which helps u look back at ur lyf n make amends if u had erred in d past yrs, its also just like a timetable which keeps u organised throughout d year or even years...if u can live upto em lol. Should private resolutions b made public? NO! I say. As we all know, ne thing private should b PRIVATE n ne thing public should b public. Everybody in this world is watched by sum1 sumwhere sumhow, n that means u r being watched by sum1 bt myt nt jst know who! 2 b contd...
