
Date: 1/1/2009

New year resolutions Prt 3

Stil reading? No worries, ur reward is on d way! Stil on resolutions, but this time on publicity of resolutions. Looking around u, u myt not jst know who is watching u! Makin a resolution public, gives ur enemies or critics d opportunity 2 say things bout u (mostly bad things). They would look for d slightest change in ur resolution plan n make it 'publicly' clear that u went against ur said resolution which myt lead 2 a drop in reputation which is one of d consequences of going against a resolution. Also makin a resolution public isnt good cos if u become aware that ppl r watchin u, u myt end up pretendin which makes u fake cos u didnt act ur real self. Living upto a resolution is usually difficult with all d hinderances n obstacles which myt get u distracted n could b disastrous in d long run. 2 b contd...
