
Date: 1/1/2009

New year resolutions Final Prt

Stil reading on? Aint u meant 2 have gone in 4 marathon racing or even reading. In d final prt of this blog, i talk bout d consequences of going back on resolutions. There r so many consequences which come alongside broken resolutions dpendin on d resolution u myt have made. If 4 instance u made a resolution 2 lose some pounds from ur weight by checkin hw u eat n u in one way or d other go against it, u myt end up eatin so much which adds instead of reducin weight n could result 2 obesity n other health complications. A porn lover myt go in2 masturbation, sexing, or even raping. A drunk myt jst end up naked in d streets or even crumpled between tyres. Ur reputation gets poor if u make resolutions public n go back on it. Ur final destination if u adhere 2 all these is a stress free resolution making n could save years. Cheers!
